CAREER DREAMS EDUCATIONS assists our Clients in achieving a stable career in suitable industry through our MANAGEMENT ORIENTED CAREER ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM ( MOCAP ) Our Competent Experts help you identify your strengths and suggest specializations which would suit you best. Our Career Counseling Core Advisors team assess your interests, personality, values and skills; help you to explore career options & professional schools. The primary purpose of career counseling is to help you learn how to explore and investigate potential majors and occupations. Interest inventories and career tests will not tell you what you could or should do. They will, however, help you organize your thoughts and ideas about majors, careers and occupations. Your counselor will review the results with you and show you how to explore and investigate those majors/occupations that interest you.
Career counseling is the One-on-one or group professional assistance in exploration and decision making tasks
related to choosing a major/occupation, transitions into the world of work or further professional training. The
field is vast & includes Career Placement, Career Planning, Learning Strategies, Student Development Have you ever
wondered why some people are more successful than others? The answer is: they chose the right career!! There are
several career guidance websites & career advice resources on the net. Counselors teach students how to explore
and investigate appropriate majors, graduate programs, and occupations. Finding your first job carefully is an
essential step in starting your career.
Training activities are organized throughout the year in an effort towards preparing the prospective students for
the campus selection programs. Our Placement Assistance Team is sensitized to function all through the year
towards generating placement and training opportunities for the students.
We maintain a very cordial relationship with all the recruiting industries and also prepares the recruited
candidates to face the competitive world. Internship Program – providing the first feel of the real corporate
We strategically emphasize the Internship Programs – An integral part of any management curriculum. The
significance of internship program is that students get an opportunity to feel the real corporate world while they
still pursuing their studies. Moreover, it instills a sense of confidence in students to face the challenges
head-on when they eventually step out to the real corporate world. In fact, many companies see it as a credential
for employment.
Internship Programs introduce students to certain facets of professional development that cannot be effectively
taught in the academic environment. These facets can only be learned through direct, on-the-job experience working
with successful professionals and experts in the field.
Our Client – Customized skill based internship programs help to institutionalize efforts to bridge the gap between
the professional world and the academic institutions. Entire effort in internship happens to be extending the
program of education and evaluation beyond the classroom of a university or institution.
CAREER DREAMS EDUCATIONS keeps a disciplined focus on the inoculation and development of many latent attributes,
which do not surface in the normal class room situations. These attributes are intellectual ability, professional
judgment and decision making ability, inter-disciplinary approach, skills for data handling, ability in written
and oral presentation, and sense of responsibility.
Our Placement Assistance Team forge an Growth Conducive Environment of Reliance and Professional Competence to
ensure that Right Candidate with Right Skills secure a Right Placement Opportunity in the most Growth Oriented
Industry that justifies our mutual efforts towards the cherished goal.